560 sqm. Production Warehouse Hall Services with Offices yard land 1035 sqm with all utilities including solar panels

785.000 €

Updated to: 03-01-2025   /   Views - 502



Storage spaces Alba Iulia

INTERMEDIA real estate Alba Iulia

INTERMEDIA offers for sale a Hall for Storage, Production or Services with Office Building, paved yard, fenced, connected to all utilities, power transformer, including solar panels with battery discharge.

The warehouse is located 2 km from the exit on the A10 highway, in an area in full expansion and development, with access through a 10 m metal gate and a pedestrian door, it is new, equipped or not, it also has a large cold room , intelligent compartmentalization, loading ramps, offices for accounting or various. Su.=440 sq.m., Sd.=560 sq.m.,

Warehouse = warehouse with reception, Hall and Cloakroom with showers = 295 sqm.,

Offices = (reception + secretariat + 2 offices of 20 sqm each + toilet + mini kitchen) = 120 sqm.

S. Land with POT 42.5% (18 m x 57.5 m) = 1035 sqm.

Utilities: it is connected to Water, Gas, Electricity, Sewerage, fiber optic Internet, 160 KWA own transformation point, Off-Grid Photovoltaic System with 24 6kw panels, 70 Kwh Storage with 24 batteries, Alarm System, Video Monitoring.

It can see various uses, depending on the need.

It deserves all your attention!

For details and viewings, call DAN: - 0756 33 44 36 -


ID oferta: 8044
Pret: 785.000 € negociabil
[Spatii depozitare] DE VANZARE
Locality Alba Iulia
Area Iesire spre Cluj
No. rooms 5 camere
Real estate guy Circular
S. Utila 440 m2
S. Construita 560 m2
Suprafata Teren 1035 m2 cu deschidere 18 m.
An Constructie 2016
Grad mobilare Nemobilat
Front Stradal 18 m.
Suprafata terase 20 mp.
Agent Dan
Nr afisari 502 
Updated to 03-01-2025


  • Grad finisaj: Finisat
  • Structura de rezistenta: Prefabricate
  • Stare proprietate: Noua
  • Stadiu constructie: Finalizat
  • Gresie: da
  • Faianta: da
  • Geam baie: da
  • Suprafata terase: 20
  • Parcare: da
  • Geamuri termopan: da
  • Izolatie termica: da
  • Microcentrala: da
  • Termoficare: da
  • Front stradal: 18
  • Apa: da
  • Gaz: da
  • Usa metalica: da
  • Cablu TV: da
  • Internet: da
  • Canalizare: da
  • Telefon: da
  • Aer conditionat: da
  • Acoperis: da
  • Clasa energetica: A+

560 sqm. Production Warehouse Hall Services with Offices yard land 1035 sqm with all utilities including solar panels in Alba Iulia

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